Doprineti jednakom ostvarivanju prava dece obolele od malignih bolesti na najviše zdravstvene standarde lečenja i zdravstvene rehabilitacije, na nivou cele Srbije
Od malignih bolesti u Srbiji godišnje oboli između 300 do 350 dece, uzrasta od 0-18 godina.Lečenje maligniteta u dečjem uzrastu je dugotrajno (za lečenje leukemije neophodno je više od 2 god.), a u slučaju recidiva i par godina. Lečenje je kompleksno, često veoma naporno kako u fizičkom smislu tako i u psihološkom pogledu (i za decu i za njihove porodice). Svako lečenje , najčešće, ostavlja kratkoročne i dugoročne psiho-fizičke posledice, koje znatno otežavaju rehabilitaciju i resocijalizaciju dece po završetku kombinovanog onkološkog lečenja (obuhvataju ga složene hiruške intervencije, hemio terapija i radio terapija). Sve ono što prati lečenje i dugotrajan boravak u bolnici: oslabljen imuni sistem, dugotrajna izolacija, teške i bolne procedure, gubitak kose i izmenjene fizičke karakteristike, odvojenost od primarne porodice, socijalna izolovanost, gubitak kontakata sa vršnjačkim grupama, strah od neizvesnosti ishoda lečenja, posebno negativno se odražava na dečake i devojčice u periodu adolescencije. Stoga je neophodno nakon lečenja obezbediti adekvatnu psiho-fizičku rehabilitaciju. Učešće u rehabilitacionom kampu u prirodi u vršnjačkom okruženju, uz posebno osmišljene fizičke aktivnosti i psihološke radionice, doprinosi popravljanju opšteg zdravstvenog statusa, poboljšanju hematoloških parametara i psiho-socijalnom osnaživanju u cilju što lakše i brže rehabilitacije, resocijalizacije i reintegracije. Cilj ovog kampa je da pruži besplatne programe rekreativne terapije adolescentima uzrastne grupe 12-18 godina koji su završili sa lečenjem maligne bolesti. Model terapijske rekreacije je posebno osmišljen i prilagođen uzrastnim grupama i svakom učesniku pojedinačno, tako da se kroz rekreaciju i zabavu podstiču njihove sposobnosti kako bi obnovili samopouzdanje i nadu nakon završenog lečenja.
Winter SKI Kamp Kopaonik 2023
To contribute to the equal rights of children suffering from malignant diseases to the highest health-care standards of treatment and health rehabilitation, on the level of whole Serbia
In Serbia, between 300 and 350 children, aged 0-18, are diagnosed with cancer every year. The treatment of a malignity in children’s age is long-lasting (the treatment of leukemia lasts longer than 2 years), and when there are relapses, it can even last for a few years. The treatment is complex, often exhausting, both physically and psychologically for both children and their parents. Each treatment very often leaves short and long termed psycho-physical consequences that make the rehabilitation and resocialisation of the children significantly harder, after the termination of the combined oncological treatment (this consists of difficult surgeries, chemo therapies and radiation treatments). Everything that follows the treatment and the long-lasting hospitalisation: compromised immune-system, long lasting isolation, hard and painful procedures, hair loss and changed physical appearance, separation from the nuclear family, social isolation, the loss of contact with peer groups, the fear of the treatment’s outcome uncertainty - especially negatively affects girls and boys in their adolescent period. It is thus necessary to enable an appropriate psycho-physical rehabilitation after the treatment. Participation in a rehabilitation camp in nature and surrounded by peers, with carefully planned physical activities and psychological workshops, contribute to the improvement of the overall health status, hematological parameters and psycho-social strengthening with the aim to provide easier and faster rehabilitation, resocialization and reintegration. The aim of this camp is to offer free programme of recreational therapies to the 12-18 age groups of adolescents who completed their malignant disease treatments. The model of the therapeutical recreation was specially planned and adjusted to the age groups and each individual participant in order to encourage the renewal of their self-esteem and hope after the finished treatment through recreation and fun.